Arrow Rock Quilt Camp is all about giving quilters a relaxed atmosphere in which they can learn new techniques, eat well, make new friends, and have a good time.
The camp check-in begins on Monday afternoon at your lodging. You may also set-up your machine and supplies in the School House (or another building, depending on some construction that is being done) during that afternoon after 3pm. At 5:30 there is a get-acquainted dinner followed by a show-and-tell time.
Classes officially begin on Tuesday morning at 9:00 -You will be assigned a teacher according to your choices made at registration. We will break at noon and enjoy lunch together. At 1:00 the class continues until 4:00. There is a break until 6:00, when we have dinner. In the evenings, students may return for free sewing time, or enjoy their time as they please.
You may sew on your own before classes or after class times. We will accommodate your desires to sew early or stay late.
We provide ironing boards and irons. You will need to bring your own cutting board and other supplies as indicated.